Category Archive for Weather

April 26, 2014

Fresh Powder for Closing Day at Copper Mountain!

Copper Mountain's season is set to end the way it started, with one last dose of fresh powder for closing day, Sunday, April 27. The National Weather Service has issued a winter storm warning for Summit County starting Saturday at 9 p.m. and lasting through Sunday, 6 p.m. with the heaviest snow expected to fall overnight.

April 18, 2014

First High Country Wildflowers spotted!

While the ski slopes of Copper Mountain are still covered in deep snow, parts of Summit County are emerging from a deep winter's sleep. Believe it or not, hikers are reporting early wildflowers from some lower-elevation south-facing slopes.

March 26, 2014

Winter is BACK!

After a brief lull to mark the start of spring, Old Man Winter is storming back into the house with a two-part storm that should drop at least six inches of new snow at Copper Mountain just in time for the weekend.

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