Category Archive for Skiing/Snowboarding

Information, news and events about skiing and/or snowboarding

January 03, 2014

If Your New Years Resolution is to Ski More, We Can Help!

With some of the best early season snow in recent years, we're sure that many of you have made a New Years resolution to ski more — and we'd like to help you keep it. And why not — this season is shaping up to be one of the best snow years in recent memory. Copper has picked up more than 100 inches of snow for the season, and 13 inches in the first few days of 2014, with more on the way and nearly 2,000 acres of terrain open for skiing and riding.

December 19, 2013

Ski and Snowboard Stars Want to Keep Winters Cool

Some ski and snowboard stars like Gretchen Bleiler and Jeremy Jones see global warming as a very real threat. They have been experiencing the impacts first-hand for years and as part of the Protect Our Winters campaign, the athletes have taken their action-oriented message from the halls of Congress to the auditoriums at schools around the country.

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