April 17, 2014
Copper’s Woodward Summer Sessions Filling Up Fast
Big winter snows and a cool spring will help Copper Mountain maintain a set of halfpipes for skiers and snowboarders participating in Woodward summer sessions, from June 15 through the end of July. The resort says spots for the popular summer camps are filling up fast.

April 16, 2014
More Ziplines, Colorado!
Summer is about to get a lot more exciting at Colorado ski areas. The U.S. Forest Service has finalized a set of rules that will guide new development of warm-season activities on public lands leased to ski areas like Copper Mountain.

April 15, 2014
Are You Ready for a Toll Lane on I-70?
A new eastbound peak-period toll lane on I-70 could speed the return trip to Denver for motorists willing to pay extra.

April 12, 2014
Fresh Powder for the Easter Bunny at Copper Mountain
Copper Mountain's endless winter continues with another weekend blast of powder that could deliver a half a foot of snow during the first weekend of Sunsation. Winter storm warnings and watches for the Rocky Mountains project anywhere from six to 15 inches of new snow.

April 02, 2014
Bonus Weekend at Copper Mountain!
Copper Mountain will re-open for an extra weekend of skiing, April 25-27 to round out an exceptional winter. Copper has picked up more than 26 feet of snow this season, and with two feet in just the past two days, the mountain is skiing as good as it has all year.