Category Archive for Copper Mountain News

November 02, 2013

Ski Season is Here - What are you Waiting for?

Summit County is earning its moniker as Colorado's playground this weekend, with three of the four local ski mountains already open for business after a week of on and off snowfall. Copper Mountain opened for skiing Friday, Nov. 1 with 5 inches of fresh snow, as predicted by our local weather guru.

October 31, 2013

Our 7 Favorite Ski Websites

Unfortunately, most of us can't spend every single day of the season shredding fresh powder at Copper Mountain, but even if you're stuck in a cubicle, you can always dream, right? And you're not alone. Around the world, millions of weekend warriors plot their winter-weekend plans while perusing some of the many ski- and snowboard-related websites.

October 29, 2013

Fresh Snow Forecast for Copper Mountain Opening Day!

Along with plenty of man-made snow, it looks like Mother Nature will lend a helping hand for opening day at Copper Mountain. The latest National Weather Service forecast includes a winter storm warning for the western Colorado mountains, with anywhere from 3 to 6 inches of snow possible by Friday before skies clear for the weekend.

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